What sort of edible berries can one plant over a leech field? - rototiller parts exploded view
They said that blueberries can be grown in this area because the roots do not develop, and take care not about dialogue.
I wanted to grow some grass there are others that I mow the lawn, and everything I always weeds and pokeweed, which has deep roots. I broke a Rototiller last month.
The problem I have is in the growth medium. These fruits are safe to eat when they are grown in this way? I know that some people use manure in your garden plants as part of your subscription. I do not. I have a separate compost pile used Strickly fruits or vegetables do not plant, and it works well for them.
I do not know about the depth of the lines of leeches are placed in a typical configuration. Perhaps because the drainageand down into the soil under the row, it's no problem with shallow roots of the blueberry. I do not know. Any help would be appreciated.
Strawberries are very shallow roots.
Blueberries in acid soil, or may not be happy, and finally abandoned.
I do not know about the safety of foods produced in a leech field. Yes, people "crap" in their gardens - but usually compsted the first time - for free. And it makes a difference in the type of manure. In general, vegertarian manure is best. Most people get a dog, cat, or human manure in their gardens.
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Strawberries do not like the BT birds are very happy.
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